Monday, October 21, 2013

Scott's gonna kill me yet!

I've always believed the best thing to elevate one's running is to find someone just a bit faster and try to keep up. It's how I got started - who am I kidding, I chased guys a lot better than me! I guess it depends on one's appetite for pain. I've always had a big appetite (ask anyone who's eaten with me!), but as I've gotten older, even I've grown tired of the menu.

So I find myself chasing someone younger and faster, knowing full well the arcs of our careers are heading in wildly different directions. Still, sometimes you have to live in the moment, grasping what you can while it's within reach.

For whatever insane rationalization (is that an oxymoron?) currently motivating me, I have signed up for Rocket City Marathon. Why? Silly reasons. First, I've done at least one marathon a year since I started running again over a decade ago. Second, and this is a really silly one, I have the delusion I might qualify for Boston. The second one is all the sillier because I really don't want to go back to Boston at all. However, I've always been a person that likes to keep his options open until the end, and I would like to be able to change my mind later if there is just cause.

So though I'd already run 5 miles with the girls' team before arriving at Jimmy's (albeit very slowly), and even though my hips hurt like crazy (it's been a big week of training), when Scott launched off the front of the pack at the jump, I followed. Sure I cursed it, cursed myself for doing it, but I was completely unable to stop myself from doing it. This is where I actually acquire a bit of clarity in my thinking.

You see, if I really am going to try to qualify, I have to be able to run a much faster pace than I'm accustomed to for the entire race. We've trained as a group in the 8:45 range for a long time. My BQ is in the 8:02 range. I have to learn to run longer distances, and at pace. There is precious little time to get it all in. So if there's a guy on the front that wants to run faster, it makes it that much easier for me to do it. That's an opportunity I cannot let pass.

Scott's Run data

This run follows a typical pattern for our runs - a bit slower start, then each mile gets faster and faster. We're talking the whole time - at least, we were until the very end today, probably the last quarter was pretty quiet. Talking is extremely easy at 7:30, very easy at 7:15, somewhat easy at 7:00... you get the idea. That's terrific news for me, very encouraging - it tells me the VO2 is already there. I'm also beginning to find my quick step and stride, degraded though it is with age. It's getting easier to run faster than slower. And a lot less painful.

As I write this, and though I've run 10 miles today, I feel as if I could go back out right now and run another 10, no problem. I honestly believe I could. Giving myself another month of training, I can only imagine where I'll be then. My only problem now is working in a couple more long runs, preferably in the 20-mile range. My Holy Grail would be 20 miles at 7:45 or under... then I'd know for sure I was ready.

Gotta get up for that mentally...

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