Monday, January 20, 2014


I did something really, really dumb on the ride Sunday. It's not like it's the first time I've ever done it either - and likely won't be the last. You would think a reasonably intelligent person would avoid repeating the same painful lesson, so perhaps that means I'm not reasonably intelligent...

Last week's schedule worked out pretty well for riding. By getting the big ride on Sunday (and I need to be getting longer rides), the rest of the week opened up and gave easy doubles and triples. It came about chiefly because of the swimming schedule, but it worked for the best anyway. I guess you could say I didn't mind.

I also felt surprisingly well. I was cautious, not allowing myself to push the first half of the ride, because I hadn't been out on the road for so long since last summer. It was prudent, and it worked out great. Wish I'd been that smart this week.

I got on the bike hoping for another 80 miles, though I was ready to accept 60. With two movies rented, I was sure to have enough video for a 4-hour ride, and there are enough videos laying around the lab to fill in the rest. Netflix didn't work (of course), so I'd planned around that.

Having taken Saturday completely off had me starting a ride with relatively fresh legs, and it showed. I was cranking 21-22 mph without much trouble. What's more, it was sustainable. I settled into a 21 mph average and let it unwind for a while. This is where I got stupid. I have no reason to believe I should be riding that hard. I was in the high ring and nearly full-out on the cassette - mashing. I was asking for trouble if I planned to do that for 4 hours.

At 41 miles I hopped off for a pop tart. I was well under 2 hours riding and moving pretty well, but I could feel my legs beginning to thicken up. The smart thing to do would have been to pull back, take it back to 17-18 mph and cruise for a while, which of course I didn't do. When I got back on I set my sights on 50 at the current pace. After that I'd go for 60, and so on.

I rode for almost another hour, hit 60 miles and got off again. Another pop tart, and the plan was to get on to go to 70. This time when I returned to the saddle I knew the legs were done. DONE! There was no way I could go another hour at that, or any speed. The ride was over.

I wasn't sure how badly I'd hammered myself until later, when every joint in my body hurt. Now it could be that I have a cold, flu, or some other malady that is not fully formed, but I'm of the opinion now I took myself into race-effort levels. I was a bit nauseous for hours after the ride, could eat or drink much, and I didn't sleep at all. These are common effects of racing for me.

Now it was a good ride - any time I can plug in 60 miles under 3 hours is a good ride - but I'm not sure it's the ride I needed to do. I'll still get my miles this week, that shouldn't be a problem, but the risk of injury elevates significantly with race efforts, and this shouldn't have been one. I'll have to bear this in mind moving forward in training. This type of riding is more appropriate in May, several months away. I certainly don't want to peak in March!

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