Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day off - deserved

I had the option to be off or do an easy workout today. I chose to be off. The 20 yesterday morning wasn't a terrible run by any means, but it came at the end of a long series of hard workouts. My body needed a rest. I will be swimming in a bit, but that's it.

This spring break is coming to a close so fast. It's been great so far, and we do still have a few days left. The weather is the best I can ever remember for a spring break. That's compensation for not going to Florida or any other warmer climate.

The only things I have left to do are to run one more time, bike one more time, and swim once. The swim will happen tonight. The ride tomorrow, the run Saturday. I will also lift a couple more days, but that's not really where the emphasis is right now.

It seems we are dividing into two basic camps in this exercise community. There are the Kestrel riders, and there are the Cervelo riders. For the ease of reading, we'll call them the Kestrel Kombine (KK) and the Cervelo Cissies (CC). It's not clear yet how we'll handle the Tuesday Pace Line Ride (tm) this season, but a good place to start would be to separate the real riders from the wannabees. It would seem we've all self-identified... ;)

We still need to consider breaking the group up into waves, perhaps two, according to speed. It may not be popular with everyone, but it is practical and possibly necessary. If we want to continue to offer a workout that is accessible to everyone, we have to provide graded workouts that allow people to participate regardless of fitness or ability. It's simply sound coaching philosophy.

We also need to consider if we should start the season with a time trial. If one of our goals is to measure progression (individually) throughout the season, then we need a benchmark early on for use later. Of course the weather has a lot to do with getting a proper time trial (headwinds skew results). My guess is we should probably give it a shot.


  1. Glad the blog is back!

    If you designed a "club jersey" for all of us who ride, then I would buy one. I bet you could come up with a really cool design.

  2. I could happen. We'll have to see what the demand is.
