Saturday, March 24, 2012

Weekly Goals Met

We are at the end of the NLCS spring break, and all exercise goals for the week have been met or exceeded. Domestic goals... not so much. The garage is still messy and the spare room is still cluttered, and that will hold until summer. On the bright side I did lay around a whole lot.

This morning was cooler than most this week, and the long run everyone had scheduled was as untroubled as such events can be. If only Boston turns out to be such a nice day! Three weeks from Monday - hard to believe!

It was a 10-miler for me this morning, slow, and it doesn't matter a bit. We got to see Bartlett for a short time before he ran away from us, John before he turned away, and Rand off-and-on as he surged and returned to us. Poor Galloway's calf troubled him a mile and a half into it and he turned back, and there were no Miller sightings at all.

Jimmy, Rand, Allen, and I went to Bob Evan's after the run for breakfast, then it was a long afternoon of nothing for me. I even took a nap! Morgan and her beau dropped by, dinner, then the family watched a rented movie. And that's a wrap.

I'm actually glad the break was a low-key affair. Jimmy and I differ on this point... he likes to always go somewhere and do something. I think there's a great deal to be said for just lying around once in a while. I know my blood pressure sure appreciates the break. It'll be a long stretch until summer, so I can take all the calm I can get until then... 

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