Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A short note

It's late and I'm tired, but I didn't want to go to bed without making a few observations on the evening's events.

  1. New guys Brian and Dan seem like fine additions to the group. Welcome! It was challenging out there tonight, but you both seemed to keep your chins up and handled it. It's never easy chasing Troy!
  2. Saturday looks to be the keeper day of the rest of the week, which is great because we have a century ride scheduled, starting 8 AM from Parkview. 
  3. I need to get 50 miles tomorrow, and I don't know where that's going to come from, since it's going to be horribly windy. Man.
  4. My running week is almost over. I did 5 miles this morning, bringing the weekly total to over 25 miles. In this respect, the first half of my training plan for the week is a total success. 
  5. I want Sunday off. No, I NEED Sunday off!

As stated above, I will ride again tomorrow night one way or another. I hope to get at least 47.2 miles in, which would give me 100 miles for the week. That would allow me to ride the Saturday century and have Sunday off. 

Let's see how THAT pans out...

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