Saturday, June 9, 2012

Check some stuff off

There have been some great things about this vacation already, bucket list items ticked off.

- I have seen the western mountains
- I have run in them
- I have run the highest altitude I will likely ever try
- I have seen one of the great biking Meccas in America
- and of course I've spent some wonderful quality time with the family

Mesa Verde is interesting, but a 4-hour tour? I was a 5th grade teacher for 17 years of my career. The Indian nations of the US is a central theme. There wasn't much shared today I haven't already taught, so... I could have skipped this part.

Didn't sleep well last night, so I took a nap after. Ten it was a 5-mile run at an altitude of 8100+ feet. It is amazing how fast you can get winded, which will be evident once I upload my vacation runs. It was breathtaking in every sense.

Oh, and another side effect - 10% humidity means no sweating and dry sinuses. Nose bleeders beware!

Tomorrow we drive to Colorado Springs.

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