Friday, August 2, 2013

The Dastardly Jimmy Sowdets

The Truth was nowhere to be found. My heart sank, realizing I must forge ahead in the darkness. Without Truth there was no hope, with no hope no purpose, with no purpose no drive. Yes, it was a veritable existential meltdown at Parkview.

Okay, maybe that's a bit overstated. My Airfoil was being serviced at the Bike Doctor, so I was on my backup bike - a Cannondale CAAD 8 from way back in 2005. It's been a terrific bike over the years, but it has a load of miles on it, and there was a nagging squawling noise cropping up after about an hour's riding time. Our ride would probably stretch well over two hours. The problem was obvious.

I switched out the front wheel, believing that was the main suspect in the case. At least I'd be able to isolate whether or not it was the wheel. If the squawl came back, it couldn't be the wheel. And off I went.

Galloway, Allen, John T., Rand, and I were the riders, and south was the direction. The tried and true Huck's run was on the menu. It was sunny, pleasantly warm, and not too humid. Winds were light out of the south, but built up the longer we were out.

Rand and John T. planned to turn back early, before Huck's. The rest of us bellied up for the adult-sized ride, even laying down a hard segment on the Amish Super 2. It wasn't easy - that south wind had gotten a bit stronger by then.

Galloway, ever the caveman, did the hard part but didn't time it. When asked by Allen if he'd be interested in posting the data on Strava, Galloway immediately dismissed the site as unworthy of his attention, ill-equipped as it was for his exacting standards. Okay, so those weren't the exact words he used, but it went something like that. I wouldn't be looking for "Offroad's" profile anytime soon.

On the way back Allen asked me to create a segment for the Cut. I channeled a little Galloway there, stating I had no desire to fight for KOM on the Cut. Several times I said I was uninterested, but you know Allen... he doesn't take no for an answer. So I acquiesced and made the segment. However... since I knew I was going to make the Cut segment, on the way up I gave it all I had. I topped still going right at 20 mph. Now we all know that's not the fastest time ever - we were all there when Jake pulled it at over 22 mph - but I might have a shot at the current times. Anyway, I'm so competitive it didn't matter. Taking a shot didn't cost anything but effort.

When the segment finally populated, who do you think had KOM? That's right, Jimmy Sowdets at over 50 mph! Lessee... how could that be... uphill at 50... can't do 50 on a flat... could it be... IN A CAR?!

Man. Number 2 to a guy in a car. I don't know how I can beat that on a bike, but I'll have to try and think of something...

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