Monday, September 9, 2013

Lord of the Segments

Bedfordton was a small, backwater village on the edge of the wild wood, surrounded by old-growth timber and clear streams quietly bubbling through crooks and narrows and shady corners of thick wood. The community itself was small, quiet, conservative, and composed mostly of farmers who passed their time in the respectable pursuit of social restraint and stoic work. Idle talk and wild tales of adventure were not to be heard, and were considered to be a sure mark of an uncultured citizen of Bedfordton.

Jimmy Baggins had never quite fit in with the finer folk around town. He was a bit taller than was considered appropriate (for a Bedfordtonian), and his natural exuberance and energy rubbed bare the patience of his neighbors. What use were smiles, laughter, and good humor? Better to bend one's back to work, grinding out a respectable existence in the quiet of one's proper place in life.

Not all Bedfordtonians found Jimmy Baggins so distasteful. Rand Gamgee was a loyal friend and handyman, and Jimmy's friendship was one of the greatest treasures in all his possessions. Likewise the irrepressible Denny Took and Jon Brandybuck, who themselves were always mired in their own mischief.

It was into this world our adventure begins, and the time was a celebration. The Baggins had long opened their home to a wonderful annual celebration, with plenty of food and games that were sure to entice the locals to forgive their excesses for at least the length of time it would take to fill their bellies and take their pleasure. The eve of the celebration drew near, and the excitement, subdued as it was in the most respectable manner possible, was building in the village. Rumor had it the wizard would participate in the entertainment this year, and that was sure to mean all forms of magic and fireworks so grand as to leave indelible memories to haunt the villagers sleep for weeks to come.

More tomorrow!

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