Thursday, March 20, 2014

Well, well, WELL!

The sky finally cleared this afternoon, and it got BEAUTIFUL! I hadn't planned to get a ride, but you know what? Though it couldn't be long, I was going to work something out. Thanks to last night's run, I'm ahead on running miles. That meant if I could carve out an hour, I could at least make 20 miles. And that's what I did.

It wasn't as pleasant as all that though. The wind was turbulent, and there really wasn't an easy direction to ride except one - west. Unfortunately none of my courses have a great deal of west in them. The only thing to do was head south and make it a quick as possible.

I wound up a bit over an hour, a bit over 18 mph, and my riding miles a bit more in order for the week. I have over 70 now, so with 80 miles I could have the bare minimum week. That ought to be easy from here on out.

10 more running miles to go, three days. I can do this. 

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