Sunday, July 14, 2013

Big day

Four. That's right, four workouts today. It was a big day.

I woke up early, and since there is a race next Sunday, I thought it best to go ahead and get some miles in the early part of the week. I got to the track at 8 AM, and there was a good bunch there. An easy 5-mile run followed, and workout one was done.

After church and lunch, a few of us met at Kenray for a swim. It was a great 1-mile swim, better than I thought since my shoulder still hurts so much. Miller, Jimmy, and Rand also had great times. Workout two was done.

We came back into town to ride. Miller, Jimmy, and I stayed in town and did repeats on Industrial Park. My legs were dead! I couldn't hold 20 mph this week going over the top, but Miller sure did. I fought hard, as did Jimmy. They turned on their Strava and we hit a few more, knowing I was going to create a segment on the course. I figured Miller would be #1 in the end.

Check the results here.

With three workouts done, I went out for another ride with Leisa and Morgan. This was the first time I'd ridden with my daughter, and let me tell you, she's a natural. I mean it. She has a great feel for a bike, and she rode very well. She can climb! It was a beautiful evening, one of the funnest rides I've had in a long time.

I plan on resting some this week - the race at the end of the week is an important one for my ranking. My dead legs are enough indication I have to do so.

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