Monday, July 29, 2013

Forgotten info

I can't believe I didn't relate this on Saturday's post, but it was a rather long day and I forgot. Let me make up for that error of omission straight off...

Roy, Robin and I had just left Heltonville on the 30-mile ride from the club. It had been interesting enough, Robin telling us about her sunflower peanut butter and the billy goat visiting, though it was time to get on our way. We weren't five minutes from Bonehead's when it happened.

We were strung out in line because of traffic, thought it wasn't particularly heavy. I was in front, then Robin, then Roy. They were pretty close together, I was maybe 25 yards ahead. On the flat straightaway right out of town I saw it coming - a jet black blur of fur and teeth, medium in size but high in speed. I calculated instantly that it had no angle for me, rather it was trying for Robin. I called, "Dog!" and looked back to see what would happen. What happened next could be considered comic or tragic (or a Shakespearean comedy I suppose, which is a bit of both) depending on your perspective.

Apparently it was an immature dog, because he missed his angle - badly. That's not so bad in the animal kingdom, inexperienced hunters often miss until they practice a bit. Problem was the pup also had tunnel vision, because it never saw Roy until it was far too late. It was a clean miss on Robin, and the dog was still looking square at its escaping prey when it ran smack into Roy's front wheel. THUMP!

You never know how that will play out. Often a rider will go down if they hit something that large, but Roy just ran it over - not squarely, just the hind quarters - but that was enough. With a rather sheepish look and much meeker demeanor the dog slunk away to the waiting owner, who never uttered a word throughout the 5-10 seconds it took to play out.

"Great. Just went down a few days ago and now I about went down again." Roy's a man of few words and pragmatic outlook. I waited for a block, then asked him to pull it over so I could check out the bike. All was good and we went on without further incident. I do wish I'd gotten that one on film. It was pretty funny after the fact, when I knew no one was hurt and nothing was damaged...

Back to today... didn't run that much as I am in taper. However, Leisa and I did work out in the yard all day staining the fence. It was a long day in the sun. I was whistling "Bridge Over the River Kuwai" by the time it was done. My back is pretty red too. Not a bad sunburn mind you, but it was definitely time to get back in the house.

Tomorrow we ride, weather permitting. I am also going to run at least a little after the ride.That may be alone or with company, but I'm announcing it now. I figure I need one brick before the race next week...

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