Thursday, July 11, 2013

Easier day

There's not much to post, so let's get right to it.

The girls swam this morning, so I didn't get a run. That was fine, as yesterday was to taxing it probably was for the best. Too bad it was the best running day of the week!

After the swim I took my bike to Lighthouse and did the loop. The wind was from the NE, so it was a great time to lay down a good lick on the Super 2. Nearly 28 mph! That was about all the real quality I did though... caution was needed to help recovery. I like to get some quality in every ride, but you can't ride super hard every day.

Leisa and I went to Bloomington to take care of some errands. That wound up taking a lot longer than we thought, and I even missed lunch in the process. I'm a big boy and can take it, but I hate missing a chance to eat! One good (and essential) thing though... I bought some more Enduralytes. After this week, I don't want to get caught without again.

Galloway, John T., and I met at the pool for the Thursday evening swim. It was short for different reasons: my shoulder is increasingly sore, John T. is racing Saturday, and Galloway's dehydrated body gave him an ex-wife. Right leg and intense. If you don't know what that is, ask me in private and I'll tell you.

I had a choice when I got home - clean gutters or run. It was a great night to run BUT plants were sprouting in the gutter. I could do it tonight or wait until it was 150 degrees outside and do it. So... I cleaned the gutters. I'll pick up the running slack in the next two days.

Tomorrow we run at Spring Mill. After that, bike ride!

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