Friday, July 12, 2013

Close Enough

My goal numbers are 30 running, one swimming, 150 biking. My actual numbers this week are 28.5 running, half swimming, 148.95 biking.

Close enough.

The first half of this week was killer on the system, and truthfully I am not yet fully recovered. Though the run at Spring Mill this morning wasn't tough at all, the ride was in places. Mostly nausea, though near the end I could even complain a bit of foot and Achilles cramping. Those last two symptoms are reason enough to back off.

The end of the season is closing in fast for me. School starts earlier this year, and with a race next weekend and another two weeks after, I'm nearing taper. That's cool - I do actually feel as if I'm nearing peak anyway. My swimming is still fine (other than a sore shoulder), my running is doing much better, and my bike is great. That's all I can worry about I guess... weather, the incompetence of race personnel, just dumb luck... all beyond my control. I'll focus on what I can do and let the rest take care of itself.

I did get into the Nationals. I received the official mail this morning. I would print a screen shot, but I hear it's top secret. I guess I could pull a Snowden and blow the lid off the organization, revealing to the world what everyone already knew they did, but I'll be cool. Besides, I don't know if Russia holds an age group national triathlon competition.

I have to cop to something I've done the last two days... I've worn earbuds when riding. It's stupid, I know, but it's been hard to go out the door at times. It's always the same for me... if I get out the door, everything is cool. Getting out the door is the hard part. I've been particularly resistant to the usual internal berating I give myself. Had to do it.

It's disconcerting at first. All the normal external stimuli was blocked out, information I was subconsciously processing constantly. After a bit I got into it, even got to the point I was ignoring the music and thinking about the moment, upcoming races, my cross team, that sort of stuff. In short, the effect was to get me out the door and little more. I still can't recommend the practice though. It's sort of like taking a mouth full of  gasoline and blowing fire. It's great if it works, but if one little thing goes wrong...

No run or ride for me tomorrow. Girls' Cross team has a car wash all day.

Good luck to the participants of Muncie Half-Ironman tomorrow!

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