Saturday, November 9, 2013

New Paradigm

So now we start, or rather end, one saga and begin a new one.

Marathon and running season, short-lived though it was, is over now. It's time to move forward with the next season - spring marathon and Ironman training. I know, it sounded as if I just said running season was over. Not exactly.

While I will be pointing toward a spring marathon, the ultimate goal will be to use the training to prepare me for the triathlon season which will follow short behind, and ultimately culminate in Ironman, if all goes well. If not, well, it should be a great sprint season. There are too many unknowns before us to guess whether all will fit into place - health, family, work - but this type of goal takes too much time to prepare. You have to proceed with the assumption you're going to make it in the end.

So... let's start with the biking. There will be a whole lot more of it. I started last night, and it felt good to be out there. Three days a week would be a great goal, with five running, and perhaps one swimming. I don't know if I'll hit traditional numbers, but like I said, they're goals.

Tomorrow will be a double. We'll run in the morning (some of us will anyway), and then we'll ride in the afternoon (some of us will anyway). Allen hasn't set a distance for the ride, but I'm wondering if it might not be a good idea for me to snag a little extra before he shows up. It'll be tough to make the week if the weather does what it's supposed to - get really cold and really wet. Most of the riding will be indoors after that. Which reminds me... better get the trainer set up.

Finally, it's going to be really important to keep run quality up. My goal for the marathon is aggressive - sub-3? I have to think that's possible, but the path starts with being able to run the pace, however short the distance. Sub-3 pace is 6:52. Gotta do that 26.2 times to make it. I'll start with 5. Then 10. Then 15...

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